Friday, May 4, 2007


Peggy is sharp as a tack and as wirey as a hanger. She had a new hairdo today -- her white & gray hair was all curly and wavey against her dark brown skin. "I did it myself," she said proudly when I admired it. Peggy uses a walker to get around. "Not everyone can work these things," she explained when I said Nikky could sure use one of those. She recently moved from the first room on the left to a room off the dining hall. "It's cheaper," she said. "Someone else is coming in who can pay for that big room, and I can't anymore. So what can I do? Beggers can't be choosers, and that's that."

Peggy is in her 90's. She won't say exactly where -- "that's for me to know and you to find out." She's never been married -- "why bother," or had children -- "why bother?" Today Nikky and I were singing together -- Let Me Call You Sweetheart, and You are My Sunshine. Peggy said, "You're better off singing alone. She's way out of key." She was right, but Nikky was so happy. And Peggy was smiling ... with her eyes.

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